Monday 3 January 2022

Omicron Pandemic and the Impaired Academics

The new and highly mutated variant of Covid-19 declared as a ‘Variant of concern’ by WHO, is again going to impact the educational institutions in the country which were getting back slowly on the track after being hit by the 2nd wave. We saw how the mode of education got shifted from the traditional classroom model to online platforms which were no less than a jingle for those who got their hands on it for the first time. The government took the precautionary measure of shutting down all the avenues of public gatherings to arrest the spread of the virus. This by default also meant that vital recurring activities like banking and education were left in the limbo, as the main concern, for the time being, was not just the uncertainty over the plan of action but also uncertainty as how long this would linger. The measures aimed at arresting the spread of viruses also did the same with education. There was no one to be blamed but someone had to take up the moment. Schools and colleges came forward to stand in the first row with whatever resources they had.

This was a step to ensure that students may get the education without any hurdle. There was and is a section in the society that even today don’t have the access to high-speed internet which puts them in the backseat casting their future in the dark. After two phases of lockdown when things were prima facie becoming normal, a new variant of the virus was found in South Africa named ‘omicron’ which is now spreading, pushing everyone to go back to online mode.

The concern not being limited to only availability of high-speed internet or the unaffordability of gadgets for students, this has a negative impact on the mental health of both the students as well as the tutors. Fear of embarrassment due to inappropriate behaviour because of any malfunctioning or mischief is a constant distraction in online classrooms. Moreover, assignment and projects which are best harnessed by physical interactions are not attaining the inclusivity they must.

Mental Health during Covid-19

Mental health problems of the students during the pandemic include lack of interest, as even the most introvert students in the class need to see expressions and gestures of tutors once in a while. Engaging students in online classes remains a hard job for teachers as the direct link and the effect of gestures on the subconscious mind is almost missing in the online mode. There have also been reports of students dropping out due to health issues related to prolonged exposure to digital screens.

The pressure to concentrate and get the desired result has increased stress and anxiety. Moreover, the challenges of furnishing online assignments without having undergone adequate tutoring before the faculty in a physical classroom adds the mental pressure of the students manifold further. In absence of any adequate and reliable guidance in the form of, say, online assignment helper the students find themselves fixed to a rack. The deformed ambience has taken a toll on the results of many students lowering down their morals. Despite many efforts by universities and student bodies, the mental well being of students remains at risk due to online learning. 

Effect of Omicron 

Omicron is also impacting global education severely in terms of mobility because of the suspension of international flights. Sudden closure of borders by different countries has also left the students with severe consequences like reduced flight frequencies, delayed visa approval, quarantine restrictions and several other restrictions which ultimately changed the plan of students to go abroad for studies which resulted in lowering the number of overseas students. According to the data provided by the ministry of external affairs, in 2020 only 2.6 lakhs students have opted for overseas learning, as compared to 5.9 lakhs students in 2019, which shows a great decline of about 55% of overseas learners.

The downfall in the percentage of students going out for study is not a big concern, but a lot of courses which, unfortunately, India lacks to include in higher education are being compromised. A lot of students have an interest in the courses which is not being included in the Indian Universities so they usually go abroad to study the courses outside and come back to India and introduce new technologies and innovation in their own country has said that this is not only with India rather a lot of countries are facing this issue this result in a lower rate of development of the country and the Individuals as well.

The basic hurdles that the students face are being discussed in the initial stage of this piece of writing are way too practical and a reason of concern for the academic world at large as it was rightly said by Edward James that ‘Education is the vaccine against Violence’ If education is compromised then the world will suffer; this is the sure shot fact accepted worldwide. It sounds good that the world has reached a sound level of Technological innovations and has introduced a lot of apps and websites that allow schools and colleges to carry on the process online. But the real question arises when we ask ourselves if online education is creating a positive impact on the life or learning of students. We accept the fact that this online education structure is one the best alternatives in front of us. Had this been a time when there were no technological advancements as today students would have had no choice but to sit at home devoid of academic studies. 

Examinations are also a major area of concern when it comes to administering it in a distant mode. It's more challenging for institutes with fewer resources and expertise. Universities are following the online mode of education which may not fully imitate the physical examinations because the procedure of the examination followed is not as strict as in physical mode. It is more liberal as in the physical mode students are given questions in which they have to write the long answers that showcase the real mind and talents rather than giving them the option of MCQs.


The substantial concern is with the learning of the students rather than the examination results of the students no matter what people claim the learning of the students is being compromised in the online mode of education. To fight the situation the fundamental step is to stop the spread of the new variant of the virus “Omicron” and for doing this we should strictly follow the guidelines given by WHO and the local government i.e. avoiding gatherings, wearing masks, maintaining distance and going out for only essential services.

The second step which should be taken to avoid the negative impact on the education of the students from the educational institutes can be getting stricter on the assignments, the curriculum and the examination procedure as well. Harnessing the capabilities of modern technology, Viva voce examinations should be made compulsory for all subjects wherein students are required to open their camera and face the invigilator. The chances of impersonation are thus eliminated to help reflect the true performance evaluation of the students.


About the Author

Ayush Tandon

Student of UILS (Chandigarh University)

Ayush has been involved in legislative work and from his 1st year itself having completed his internship from the Ministry of Women (GOI) in his teenage years is one of his achievements. He has also received awards from Uttarakhand CM and has been involved in the policy drafting and research from a good time and also being a law student he has also worked with some renowned law firms based in Delhi. Currently he is working as a full-time Intern with a Delhi based law firm Vera Causa Legal.

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