Monday 17 January 2022

Rise Of EVs Ecosystem In India & How It Is Generating Employment?

At present, the status of Electric Vehicles (EV) is at its peak, and there is nothing wrong in saying that the production of EV vehicles is as quick as a flash. Despite the early growing pains, all the automobile companies are pushing their limits to expand the production of EV vehicles. In this post, we'll talk about the rise of the EV Ecosystem in India. Additionally, you will learn how the EV industry is generating career opportunities. So let's get started; 

Global EV Outlook & Statistics

Apart from this, if we talk about the electric vehicle market, in the United States, it has grown from a few thousand vehicles in 2010 to more than 315,000 vehicles sold annually from 2018 to 2020. According to the recent data from BloombergNEF, Electric vehicles (EV), including battery-electric and plug-in hybrids, made up 7.2% of global car sales in the first half of 2021, up from 2.6% in 2019 and 4.3% in 2020.

Root Cause Behind The Rise of EV Vehicles In India

So, what do you think? Why has there been an increase in the number of electric vehicles in India? Also, it is one of the most common questions among car owners and automobile engineers in India. Well, the burden of oil imports, rising pollution, and international commitments to combat global climate change are the key factors uplifting India's recent policies to speed up the transition to e-mobility.

An Ecosystem Approach for EV Adoption

Nowadays, most countries have set timelines to diminish the manufacture of internal combustion engine vehicles to satisfy targets set in the Paris Agreement on climate change. 

"The Paris Agreement establishes an international framework to evade dangerous climate change by restricting global warming to well below 2°C and pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5°C. Also, it strives to strengthen countries' capability to deal with the consequences of climate change and support them in their efforts."

Undoubtedly, the effort and approach were excellent, but the share of electric vehicles (EVs) was only 4% of global vehicle sales in 2020, which was way lower than expected. However, EV makes get a positive response from the customers and, now, people have started moving to EV vehicles. It is the reason the automotive industry is rapidly installing charging infrastructure and continuously heavily investing in EVs. 

EV Ecosystem Use Cases 

Unquestionably, electric vehicles are the key to innovation and are the future for the auto industry. Moreover, there are four significant areas where the EV ecosystem can support innovation: business models, manufacturing and delivery, charging infrastructure, and sustainability. 

Figure 1: The EV Ecosystem And Its Stakeholders

Figure 2: Innovative Use Cases To Address EV Challenges And Opportunities:

Business Models:

  • Pay-Per-Use Subscription Model 
  • The Value of Data - Usage Bases Insurance & Infotainment

Manufacturing & Delivery:

  • Microfactories Close To Demand
  • Mass Customization of Vehicle
  • Digital Channels for Sales Cycles 


  • Micro Mobility For Last Mile 
  • MultiModal Urban Mobility
  • Circulatory of Parts & Materials

Charging Infrastructure:

  • Optimized Network of Charging Stations
  • Rates Based On Type of Use & Source Of Energy
  • interoperability Across Vehicle Makers 

In this figure, it shows how EVs are manufactured, how they make money, how customers operate EVs, and how these vehicles are handled in an environmentally friendly way.

How Can Electric Vehicles Generate Employment?

Undoubtedly, EV vehicles are going to generate millions of job opportunities in the near future. According to Government officials, India strives to meet 30% of its transportation needs with electric vehicles by 2030. 

According to reports, India has already designed a blueprint for a specialized workforce, which will be required when India enhances its production of electric vehicles. Moreover, the expected number has been calculated to be approximately 10 million new jobs. 

As mentioned above, India aims to meet 30% of its transportation needs with electric vehicles by 2030. Therefore, it will definitely require more workforce and that's why the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship is planning to create a workforce specialized in various areas of EV, such as design and testing, battery manufacturing and management, sales, services, and infrastructure.

Final Words 

Overall, EV vehicles can not only play a vital role in reducing air pollution in urban Indian cities to a great extent but also generate enormous employment opportunities. These cars use batteries that do not emit emissions like the internal combustion engines. Additionally, these vehicles will also play a significant role in reducing noise pollution. Most importantly, EVs are the key to a brighter future for youngsters with the technical knowledge of automobile engineering.

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