Friday 19 March 2021

What are the Top 5 Skills needed to be an Electrical Engineer?

Article by @Harkamal Singh Bajwa, Content Writer, Chandigarh University

From sustaining power infrastructure to developing communications and navigation systems, electrical engineers and the job roles they perform are vital across almost every industry. The electrical engineering experts with advanced skills can lead the testing, design and manufacturing of the equipment that keeps the world running. The role of an electrical engineer is sometimes also mistaken to be similar to an electronic engineer. Even though the job of electrical and electronics engineers usually overlaps each other, there are vital distinctions between the scope of these two fields. Hence, each of these fields differentiates in the skills, particularly when considering their income or earning potential.

In this article, we shall briefly explore the top five skills required for an electrical engineer that are common for each role. Also, the article will be highlighting specific aspects which have a strong impact on one’s average salary. Even though the following list of skills is not exhaustive, however, promoting and seeking out these skills in your career search can help you add proficiency to your portfolio, which can further help you stand out to employers and elevate your competitiveness in the engineering job market. 


For an electrical engineer, some of the foremost skills required to be inculcated include a blend of programming proficiency and software, such as MATLAB and AutoDesk, knowledge of engineering methodologies, and leadership skills such as project management, etc.

Furthermore, the programming languages such C++ are broadly utilized across numerous different disciplines of engineering. Even though it has not been listed among the top five skills for an electrical engineer, knowledge in these languages can be highly beneficial for electrical, computer engineering and others. Among the most popular industries employing electrical engineers, security firms, defense contractors, aerospace, IT services companies, etc. are the front runners in hiring electrical engineers. For a top-notch job offer and better professional career, an electrical engineer must inculcate the following skills: 

1. Project Management

According to the survey undertaken by the American compensation software and data company, PayScale, project management has the strongest positive impact on an electrical engineer’s salary. The electrical engineers who incorporate the skill have been found out to be earning Six percent more than the overall average. The skills of project management is specifically crucial for the ones aiming to enter senior or managerial positions as they might guide or supervise other lead teams or junior engineers on specific projects.

2. Engineering Design

A methodology for engineers to identify and solve problems, Engineering design is a common skill for electrical engineers. The skill, despite having only a small impact on salary, is crucial for the engineers working in this industry. Magnifying the level of the skill, there are multiple organizations, such as the Massachusetts Department of Education, the Boston Museum of Science, and the National Center for Engineering and Technology Education that have developed their own engineering design models. Even though they present different models, the aspect they have in common is their iterative and purposeful approach to identifying a problem, exploring it deeply, and inventing solutions to solve the same.

3. AutoDesk AutoCAD

According to PayScale, AutoCAD is among the top three most common skills for an electrical engineer, however, one’s experience with AutoCAD does not have the same positive impact on their earning potential in comparison to the other skills listed. The best CAD software for engineers vary to some degree according to their specialization.

Furthermore, numerous CAD programs have built-in documentation libraries for certain industries. For instance, AutoDesk has a version of AutoCAD that has features specifically designed for electrical control systems.


Expertise with MATLAB is one of the general skills across multiple disciplines of engineering, including both electrical and electronics along with different STEM fields. Simulink, a graphical programming environment used to model how designs might perform, is among Matlab’s main components being used by electrical and computer engineers. For instance, power system engineers might simulate the impact of different voltages and numbers of transformers in the system.

5. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) are computing devices especially developed to be put to use in industrial applications such as manufacturing. While not all computer and electrical engineers require to be acquainted with PLC technology, it is advantageous for them to have a working knowledge since PLCs have been integrated into a broad range of electrical devices and equipment. For instance, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) technology governs the operation of power relays in energy systems, which can also dramatically amplifies the efficiency of other kinds of control systems.

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