Thursday 25 March 2021

Top 10 New Technology in Electrical Engineering

 Article by @Harmanjot Kaur, Content Writer, Chandigarh University 

Electrical Engineering is in the limelight in the contemporary world due to some most important innovations. The industry is undergoing a powerful paradigm shift. The research and development departments around the world are working towards cutting-edge ways to obtain, store, and use electrical energy.

Electrical engineers are at the forefront and are pushing the boundaries to come up with cutting-edge inventions. The past few years have seen significant strides and the industry is not indicating any signs of slowing down. This guide will walk you through the most important innovations in electrical engineering and why are they so important. 


In the industrial sector, a few state-of-the-art technologies are proving to be game-changers. Have a glance at some of the new technology in electrical engineering for the industry.


Progress in augmented reality is taking place extensively for industrial applications. A report states that 65% of VR/AR companies are working on industrial applications while around 37% are working on consumer products. Virtual Reality is advantageous in industrial facilities because it allows companies to avoid dangerous industrial scenarios without putting their employees' health at stake. AR is beneficial as it superimposes data on a real visual. It supports engineers and technicians to gather real-time information about the industrial systems on which they are working. It supports and aids them to take more structured and knowledgeable decisions for repairs and maintenance. 


A “Grid” is a set of transmission lines that delivers electricity from power plants to the public. Whenever you plug in, turn on a fan, you are using the grid. There have been developments in the grid in the past few years. 

“Smart grid” is the new grid and is granting many commercial and industrial consumers to generate their power and even sell their surplus. This development has transformed the electrical delivery infrastructure. In layman terms, smart grids include devices throughout their infrastructure, like in homes, industries, offices etc. Smart devices offer endless benefits:

  • Accumulate and supply data that allows industries to examine trends and make more effective and affordable decisions about their electricity use. 
  • They can forecast increases in usage and prepare for the increased demand. 
  • Devices can recognize electrical failure instantly and can inform the person who can solve the problem.
  • The most important application of the smart devices is that it allows seamless communication between the power company, distributors, and end-users. It boosts efficiency and reduces costs by expediting a quick resolution of any issues.


Electrical engineers' jobs are much easier as compared to old times because of Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence allows considerable improvements in engineering work like:

  • Developing AI and machine learning platforms for more advanced equipment.
  • Designing complex algorithms for data analysis.
  • Writing new codes and updating existing ones.

Artificial Intelligence in image processing opens ample new doors in engineering for industrial applications. Image processing with AI is simple with sophisticated algorithms. It can assist with tasks like discovering structural irregularities in equipment and sharing feedback to alert facility managers for repairs and to boost safety in the workplace.


Robotics, Augmented and Virtual Reality are the most noteworthy and recent innovations in the medical electronic engineering department.  


Medical Electronic Engineering is experiencing a revolution with robotic surgery. Robotic surgery is favourable as it offers precision, flexibility, and extreme control. It is a boon for surgeons as it helps utilize automated capabilities to perform complex surgeries that are sometimes impossible. This new technology in electrical engineering will not replace humans but will assist and enhance their work. 


Virtual and Augmented Reality is the most prominent trend in electrical engineering. It is proving to be a blessing as it provides convalescent patients with an engaging method to participate in rehabilitation exercises. AR/VR is indispensable in training tools for medical students. It can make study interactive as students can have a real-time and practical understanding of new procedures or see 3D representations of complex human anatomy. 


The new technology in electrical engineering related to consumers is all about wearable devices and electric vehicle capabilities. 


Wireless technology has been making exciting development in wearable consumer devices. Smart Watches and Fitbit devices help users analyze their health and athletic performance. Wireless technology is generally Bluetooth Low Energy which means they are compact and convenient to use as they run on small and long-lasting batteries. 

Advancement in wearable devices also has a life-saving potential in industrial applications. Wearable devices can vibrate to alert engineers if they come in contact with high-voltage equipment. They can provide data and important information without any smartphone. Some sensitive equipment and complex machines do not grant access or authentication if someone is not wearing the appropriate wearable device. These innovations drastically augment electrical engineers’ safety on the job. 


Electric vehicles are the new technology in electrical engineering and have been gaining immense popularity. They are the vehicle of the future. Decreased carbon emissions energy efficiency is one of the reasons behind this. 

A prediction by industry experts states that by the year 2030, the number of electric vehicles on the road in the United States will inflate to 18.7 million. With the hefty investments in electric vehicle technology, one can count on the rise of various innovative improvements, including more robust and long-lasting batteries with enhanced charging technology, absolutely functional autonomous driving, and solar-powered vehicles. We can expect electric aeroplanes too in the upcoming future. 


Wireless Charging is also a new technology in electrical engineering that has some prevailing applications for personal devices like laptops, smartphones, and earbuds. It is envisioned to become standard for electric vehicles as well. An electric car owner will be able to park on a charging spot without the inconvenience of plugging in the car. Wireless charging docks will be tinier and hence will become easier and more cost-effective to build. 

Let’s continue to look at some of the exciting ideas in other fields. 


One of the challenges of modern electrical engineering is to analyze the application of photovoltaic technology that is productive, effective under changing conditions, highly resistant to damage while not being prohibitively expensive. Varied engineering approaches are used to enhance collection and distribution efficiency. Perovskite-based cells have recently caught the most attention at the research facilities and are the new technology in electrical engineering. 


Drones make us think about their use in the entertainment industry and shooting music videos. But one thing people have not realized is that the use of drones is far beyond the entertainment industry.

According to a survey on the business sector, engineering and construction industries use drones the most. Electrical Engineers are using drones to inspect certain hazardous electrical zones. It provides essential safety in the electrical engineering industry. Moreover, drones are now helping to record, collect, and examine data at the job site that results in expanding productivity and efficiency. Apart from this, drones have multifarious benefits and are used in the air force of different countries in warlike situations to avoid human loss. It is also being used by big MNCs like Amazon for commercial purposes.

The avant-garde technologies and rapid developments in the electrical engineering industry make it the most sought-after career options down the road. B.E Electrical Engineering at Chandigarh University fulfils the acquisition of technical skills with the ingenious and global curriculum. 

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