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 “Dreams are to be dreamt with open eyes”

Having being highly inclined towards sports since my childhood I had always dreamt of representing my country INDIA, in any Sports domain. In that desire, I had played district level football representing my school. But, due to some circumstances, I had to inculcate my priorities and drop my sports for a certain time frame and join ARCHITECTURE, thinking that could be a favorable future for me as my brother was from the same field so it was easy for me to get the hold to the profession. ARCHITECTURE was fun as it happened to me by choice and I persued playing football as my hobby; as an extracurricular.

But nevertheless, fate had decided something grand and happening for me, YES!! In 2014 I joined ChandigarhUniversity and 2015 was the year when CU recently had introduced AMERICAN FOOTBALL to the university. And when the team was being set our coach Mr. Guri luckily had seen me playing and offered me a place in the team.
That day 'the lightning strike my head and I thought of achieving all my dreams to represent INDIA in sports' And I thought that this is it, this is the chance to redeem me. And, I said yes!! 

But trust me the feeling was the mere opposite, I was happy but apart from that I knew It was going to be tough for me to be managing ARCHITECTURE and sports but being fierce I wanted to pursue my passion and so did I jumped into it without even thinking of what my hardships are going to pay me back.

So, it started with a straight YES !! and the training went on for 6 months and we won our 1st SILVER MEDAL for our university in 2nd ALL INDIA INTER-UNIVERSITY games 2015. So, it started off in 2015 to 2019, we were the champions in ALL INDIA -INTER UNIVERSITY GAMES AND OPEN NATIONAL GAMES.

So, In the short span of time, it was our team achieving the heights and now its time to build a National team to represent INDIA in CSIT  -  AMERICAN FOOTBALL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP held from July 2-7th in SPAIN.
It was my hard work and dedication that brought as a team member defeating several across INDIA and is one of the part of those lucky 23 people of our team.

We eventually, succeeded in achieving SILVER MEDAL for our country in CSIT-AMERICAN FOOTBALL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP.

It was a moment of relief for me, on the personal level of all the hard work and training and also sacrificing a lot of things, It was a moment of pride and happiness.
Not leaving behind ARCHITECTURE, today  I am a licensed Architect and had cleared the degree with flying colors.
I want to THANK a lot to CHANDIGARH UNIVERSITY for giving me such OPPORTUNITY, FACULTY STAFF of UIA for always understanding me and helped me throughout my 5 years of Degree in every aspect of life.

In last if it inspired you, I would like to say:
                                                                                                              SUMIT MALIK

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