Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Know How to Beat Exam Stress

8 Ideal Ways to Combat Exam Stress

If you're one of many who get stressed & sweat as the date of the exam approaches near, then we have a few tips for you that will help you combat and overstep those unavoidable anxious moments.

1. Keep-at-Bay from Distractions- Distractions here includes social media, friends and all. However, it is hard to completely detach yourself from the world outside, but avoiding above said things while keeping in mind the end goal and time-frame will ease your preparation process.

2. Start studying pretty well at least a day or two before the exam- Schedule things accordingly well before, so that you stay calm and get a sufficient time for revision, as revisions are more important than the actual study.

3. Listen to Soothing Music- Music elevates mood and creates a positive environment while encouraging you to study more effectively. Ear soothing music is suggested as the best to boost your brain power.

4. Stay Relaxed- Try to stay relaxed by performing meditation as it is one of the most effective ways to take a break. It improves mental as well as physical health along with reducing pre-exam stress.

5. Instead of mugging concentrate on Understanding Concepts- Yes, this is true; copying things from the textbook into your brain without understanding the essence of the topic will stay in your mind for short term only whereas deep insight to concept makes learning easy and lasting.

 6. Make Learning Fun- Make your learning fun by relating concepts to things. Also, if you can manage to have 'study buddy', use the opportunity to test each other on topics you have learned so far.

7. Get Enough Sleep- Remember, it is hard to keep-in mind abundant of complicated concepts without getting enough sleep. So, never underestimate the importance of sleep even during exams.

8.    Eat healthily and exercise-  Yes, you’ve heard it before. Because it’s true! Taking care of your body is the best way to help your brain function well. Steer clear of too much caffeine. Get active, even when you don’t feel like it. It honestly boosts your energy and helps you to focus better, even if it’s just 10 minutes of dancing to your favourite music in your room.

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