Monday 13 March 2023

Chandigarh University with 703 patents becomes highest patent filing Indian University in 2021-22

Chandigarh University has been ranked at the top with the highest number of 703 patents filed in a year.

According to the recently released report for 2021-22 by the Office of Controller General of Patents, Designs, Trade Marks and Geographical Indications (CGPDTM), Government of India, Chandigarh University has maintained its position as the top research-intensive university of India.

For the last three consecutive years, Chandigarh University Gharuan has been amongst the top three universities for filing highest number of patents in a year. The University has also ranked 3rd in India for filing most number of patents in the field of Information Technology (IT).

Contributing to about 1.05% of the research in the country, Chandigarh University has shared the first position with Sanskriti University for filing the highest number of patents in 2021-22. During this year, a total of 66440 patent applications have been filed in India, exhibiting an increase of about 13.57% as compared to the previous year.

As per the statistics, the total filing of 23 IITs across the country is 597 patents whereas CU alone has filed 703 patents this year. Over the years, the students and faculty of Chandigarh University have filed a total of 2400 patents, out of which 1747 have been published. As of now, 72.79% of the patents filed by CU have been published already.

In 2021-22, the university filed 81 patents in the field of Medical and Healthcare, 72 patents in Mechanical & Mechatronics, and 50 in Agriculture. In the field of IT, the University has ranked 3rd in the country for filing most patents whereas TCS is on the first position is in this category.

Speaking about the achievement of the University, Chandigarh University Chancellor Satnam Singh Sandhu said, “The University is working robustly on a mission to make India self-reliant and self-sufficient in terms of research and innovation in various fields such as science, technology, and medicine. The University aims to make India rank amongst the top five nations in patent filing at a global level.”

Dr Sanjeet Singh, Dean Research, CU, said, “The University has allocated an annual budget of Rs 15 Crore for promoting enhanced research and innovation on the campus. Additionally, there are over 100 Core Research Groups (CRG) with more than 1500 students and faculty involved in the development of futuristic products and technologies.”

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