Saturday 5 February 2022

Chandigarh university’s 350+ international collaborations offer a world of opportunities

In the present day world, International Collaborations are crucial for any academic higher educational institute. Undertaking efforts to help students holistically prepare for their careers, Chandigarh University has forged over 350 International collaborations with HEI’s and different industries.

The international collaborations of Chandigarh University have been vital in facilitating the students with international learning and professional opportunities. Under these 350+ international collaborations, there is a wide range of academic and professional opportunities, from foreign internships to pursuing higher studies. These programs do not only provide the students with global exposure but also makes them confident and attractive candidates for the industry.

Chandigarh University has forged these educational alliances in 75+ countries and has also partnered with QS ranked universities. Along with the opportunity to learn from international universities and faculties, the internship opportunities with top-notch blue-chip companies such as Walt Disney also magnify one’s professional portfolio.

More than 150 Chandigarh University students have been selected for Internship at Walt Disney through the varsity’s collaboration programs. Following are some of the collaborative programs the students at Chandigarh University are able to choose from:

•         International Summer and Winter Programs:

•         Semester Abroad/ Exchange Programs

•         Higher Education Programs

•         Global Immersion Programs

•         International Internships

The programs are available to students from all the various fields and also enable them to pursue higher studies at top-ranked universities with institutional or government scholarships and other facilities such as hostel, homestays, etc. Also, there are many programs which also offer work visa right after one’s graduation, which enables a student to pursue professional opportunities abroad. Through such distinct programs, the students do not only enhance or broaden their skills, but they also create a greater network of students or friends from different backgrounds.  

Some of Our International Tie Ups are with:


  • State University of NY-Albany
  • Louisiana State University
  • Florida State University
  • Old Dominion University


  • Bauman Moscow State Technical University
  • Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
  • Kazan Federal State University
  • National University of Science and Technology MISIS


  • Middlesex University
  • Northumbria University
  • University of East London
  • Brunel University


  • Charles Sturt University
  • Deakin University
  • University of Canberra
  • University of the Sunshine Coast


  • Concordia University, Montreal
  • University of Regina
  • University of Ontario Institute of Technology
  • Vancouver Film School


  • Massey University
  • Cornell Institute of Business & Technology
  • Auckland Institute of Studies
  • Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology


  • Tel Aviv University
  • University Sains Malaysia


  • James Cook University


  • National Yang Ming University
  • National Central University

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