Tuesday 26 October 2021

Traits of a Bad Software Engineer

There is a lot of confusion about becoming a good software developer. Even the internet is full of articles, blogs, and all such kinds of stuff that displays all the goody-goody things in regard to becoming a good software developer. So, let us make some changes here and dig into the things that you need to avoid as a software developer. 

In this post, we'll talk about the things you need to ignore as a software developer. In this guide, you will come to know about the things that can stop you from becoming a good software developer. So, let's begin;

The Quick Fixer 

First of all, when it comes to bugs or issues related to software development, do not take decisions without completely analyzing things. Let us understand this with the help of an example. For instance, Michael is a software developer who loves to deliver the assigned tasks quickly. He is well known for adhering to deadlines and completing the tasks beforehand. Whenever he is stuck somewhere, he does a quick Google search and employs the first resolution that he gets.

Here the problem is not with picking the first resolution that he grabs from Google, but the problem is with the mechanical specifications of the application. Without understanding the consequences, do not apply any of the resolutions, else, it can lead to more problems in the future.

Therefore, if you want to build flawless software that performs well in the long run, you need to understand things closely. 

The "Who Needs Test"

The test cases are immeasurably important when it comes to software development. The purpose of a test case is to determine the performance of different features in a software system. In layman language, the purpose of a test case is to find out that the features of a software system are performing as expected. Also, it verifies whether the software system meets all the standards and customer requirements.

Let us make it easy to understand with the help of an example. Suppose Lisa is a software developer who loves programming, but she hates writing test cases. According to her, it takes a lot of time and reduces her development speed. Also, there are QAs to test the code, so why does she need to bother? 

Writing test cases might test your patience sometimes, but with the increased complexity and diverse client requirements, test cases are essential for the safe side to maintain the quality of the code. Thus, if you want to build bug-free and top-performing software, make sure you add writing test cases into your account. 

Stop Being Over-Engineer 

As software developers, we all want to build featureful software with good coding standards. If we talk about our expectations, we want a software system that is easily maintainable and capable to grab the user's attention. There is nothing wrong with it, but sometimes we become extra protective and start creating solutions that are not even required. 

If you want to be a successful software developer, keep your mind free from overthinking and work freely without any pressure to deliver a flawless, user-friendly, and maintainable software system. 

Saying No To The Latest Techno-Trends 

The next big thing that you need to keep in your mind when it comes to software development is to keep yourself updated with the latest trends and technologies. It means, you should be aware of the latest development trends and technologies evolving around the globe.

Let us understand this with the help of an example. In the ‘90s, Nokia was one of the top mobile device manufacturing companies. The only mistake that Nokia made was not keeping up with the latest technology, and the result is in front of us. Nokia didn't say yes to Android at the right time, and as a result, other companies like Samsung, Vivo, OnePlus, Oppo, etc. fully captured the market, and Nokia lost its place in the mobile market.

Thus, if you want to be a successful software developer, keep yourself updated with the latest trends, technologies, and calls of the market. 

Final Words 

Learning from the mistakes of others is the best way to get educated and grow. Apart from this, there are numerous things that you need to keep in your mind to become a good software developer, such as adhering to the developer documentation, keeping everything in one file, and more. We hope this guide will help you realize the things that you should avoid as a software developer. Still, if you have any ifs and buts in your mind, ping us in the comment section.

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