Monday 1 March 2021

Benefits of Technology in Education & How CU is taking advantage of it for Providing Value Education

EdTech is a buzzword in the present age. It is an area of technology that is exclusively dedicated to the development and application of tools that aim to promote education.

Technology has remodelled every aspect of our lives and the education sector is no different. It has manifested itself in divergent ways throughout the ages. The major transition in the classroom's education and contemporary schooling is far better, more streamlined, and more advanced than it used to be ten years ago. 

David Warlick - an educator, author, and public speaker emphasize the integration of technology in the classroom as it is the pen and paper of today’s time. 

How can we forget how technology in education became a lifeline during the Covid-19 pandemic. During the school shutdowns and remote learning, education technology has become a lifebelt for the continuation of learning. 

As technology continues to progress and children become more technophilic, its benefits in education are skyrocketing. Technology is no longer confined to digital whiteboards, learning management systems, and iPads. It’s much more than that!

There are ample benefits of technology in education. Let’s delve into the different techniques of how technology has benefited the education industry. 

Accessible Remote Learning

It is challenging to enhance your skillset; Thanks to the hectic schedules and demanding jobs. Here EdTech comes to the rescue. With the increased demand for increasing skillset and learning innovative skills, virtual lessons are slowly replacing traditional lectures.

It has allowed the students to organize and manage their time in a convenient time slot of their choice. They are free to choose subjects and courses that are outside their course curriculum for better knowledge.

An Integrated Learning Environment 

There are immense benefits of technology in education as it creates a blended learning environment. It aids cost reduction for schools, supports students to have unlimited access to the learning material and promotes online submission of electronic documents. Succinctly, the use of technology in education makes the process of learning more smarter and convenient.

Enhance Knowledge Retention

Students tend to have better participation and understanding when they are engaged and interested in the things they are studying. Technology can boost active participation in the learning process which is one of the important elements for knowledge retention.

Immersive Training

Today’s generation is smart. Young students yearn for a more immersive experience. They are curious to understand everything from the shape of the moon to climate changes in Antarctica. Technical applications help to create augmented reality-based tutorials that can virtually transfer the students to the place to comprehend the concepts better. 

Promotes Individual Learning

Every student is different in terms of learning styles and calibre. Technology provides ample opportunities for making learning more efficient for everyone with specific requirements. It allows students to learn at their own pace, review difficult concepts and take as much time as they want to understand a concept. Technology is a boon for disabled and struggling students as it gives students access to a wide range of resources to research in different ways. It leads to great engagement.

Useful for Teachers

Countless online resources are beneficial for teachers. Teachers use different applications and reliable online resources to boost the traditional ways of teaching and to keep students more engaged. The amalgamation of virtual lesson plans, grading software, and online assessments saves a lot of time for teachers. This time-saving can be used for working with students who are struggling. A virtual environment in colleges upgrades knowledge sharing between teachers.   

Managing homework on mobile devices

The applications with forefront technologies help to manage homework assignments effectively from smartphones. The features of analytics and reporting help to illustrate who has finished their work and who hasn’t. 

Many top universities are adopting advanced technology in classrooms as it helps teachers prepare their students to face the real world. Chandigarh University- one of the youngest and A+ accredited university has an advantage of the state-of-the-art techniques to provide value education. 

Let’s explore how Chandigarh University is utilizing cutting-edge technology to provide beneficial education. 

Innovative Labs and Research Facilities

Hands-on-experience is a fundamental part of Chandigarh University. Leading-edge industry-sponsored labs provide students with a unique opportunity to learn in an industry-oriented environment. Different labs are as follows:

Microsoft Azure Laas

Infor Lab

Red Hat Academy Lab

Google Android Lab

Tech Mahindra IMS Academy

SAP Next-Gen Lab

Oracle Academy

FOSS( Free Open Source Software) in collaboration with IIT Bombay

Other laboratories:

Cloud Computing Lab

Desktop Publishing Lab

Web Designing Lab

Linux Administration Lab

Mobile Application Lab

C++ Programming Lab

IT Budget

Chandigarh University has been investing aggressively in Information Technology with an annual IT budget of Rs 11 crore. The different departments have leveraged the emerging technologies and have software labs on campus in collaboration with companies such as IBM, Amazon etc. 

Digital Learning at CU

Since the outbreak of Covid 19, the black swan event, education institutions are preferring the online mode of education. With technology integrated into the smallest of objects at Chandigarh University, faculty delivered the courses seamlessly. Technology-enabled ecosystems are advantageous for students from online sessions to virtual webinars, and the use of software to make students understand difficult concepts. University is trying to magnify the use of technology to catch up with the increasing expectations of the industry.  Using imagery and video guest lectures enrich the students’ understanding of the material.

Chandigarh University is augmenting virtual reality and augmented reality learning experiences. The educational landscape is different because of learning analytics, virtual trips, relevant podcasts, and customized learning pathways. 

Virtual Platform for Distance Education

Chandigarh University provides easy-to-access educational initiatives with the user-friendly Learning Management System, online academic counselling, and regular course webinars. The in-house applications help students to access e-course and stay updated with the information. 

The benefits of technology in education are vast. It facilitates educators to more consistently offer to learn geared to a wider variety of intelligence and learning styles. So while deciding on choosing a university, remember to look for the one with an advanced technical infrastructure. 

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