Tuesday 16 February 2021

Chandigarh University CSE Student secures Internship Offer from Google

Engineers don't sit back and watch, they make things happen. Technophilic in nature with innovation on his mind, Chandigarh University student Mohit Kumar used to do his own personal marathons in coding. Even before the start of his professional career, Mohit ensured that he solved each problem in his way. The habit of solving problems and fascination with coding assisted him in earning a Internship Offer from one of the biggest tech corporations of the world, Google. From being a coding enthusiast to securing internship on the back of his coding, Mohit has had an insightful journey full of hard work and commitment.

“It was truly an amazing feeling,” expressed Mohit, when asked about how he felt on receiving the Internship Offer from Google. Beginning to elaborate his story of receiving the offer, he mentioned that his parents were the first ones he informed about it. On learning about their son’s Internship Offer from Google, the parents were surprised. The excitement was such that they had to reaffirm if their son was telling the truth. “Tears of joy rolled down my mother’s cheeks when I told her Mumma main select ho geya,” said Mohit as he recalled the emotional moment.

The good news was then received by his friends who demanded a treat in return but as sorted out as Mohit is, he had set his priorities straight. He thanked the almighty and extended his greetings to his teachers and mentors at Chandigarh University. Mohit expressed that his mentors and teachers had played the most crucial role in helping him develop himself as an individual and a coder. “Other than that, it was the platform provided by CU that helped me compete with so many professionals at so many different levels which has really been a huge learning experience,” he added.

Moving further, the student expressed his respect and admiration for the varsity with his words. Speaking in an emotional tone, he said that he was unable to summarize with words about how thankful he was to the university. While he was putting in his hard work, his university was ensuring complete support for better outcomes. He mentioned how everyone, from the Chancellor to the teachers, was enthusiastic in assisting him.

He cited the instances of night shifts in the university laboratory and remarked, “I have 24 patents and 6 start-ups in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. When I was working on them, CU encouraged me in every way and during every hour. Even when the academic blocks were closed, I was allowed night shifts in the technical laboratories so I could keep my research and work on track. I could really flourish my ideas and I’m not sure how to adequately appreciate CU for that.”

With the motive of benefitting the society with innovation, most of Mohit’s patents are based on societal needs. One of the 24 patents to his name executes Mohit’s idea of road accident prevention where his sensor app would sense the smell of the user and disable their car’s ignition in case they were drunk. Thereby preventing him from driving and hurting anyone.

After a brief elaboration of his patents and start-ups, Mohit opened up about his internship in Google. “Like I told you, it’s an amazing feeling, and taking CU’s name along makes it even better. I feel proud to represent my university in the biggest tech corporate and I’m hopeful of making the most of my opportunities and contribute.”

On being asked how he secured a Internship Offer from Google, he elaborated that he was so deeply involved in coding that sometimes it’d surprise people. His passion led him to participate in various national and international competitions. Some of those competitions were organized by Google for budding professionals. Explaining its importance, he added that Google often undertook initiatives li8ke Hashcode Challenge or Google Kickstart where one participated and cleared different rounds to progress towards the final. He explained that the competitions were very tough and challenging but once you got through, Google extends its call for the interview.

He affirmed that he focused a lot on the coding part. “I used to regularly solve problems related to coding. Sometimes, I would even solve 80 to 100 questions in a day. Other than that, competitions were being organized by the university & outside where I participated. Those competitions were very crucial because for me they weren’t just about winning but learning the knowledge one would need in the corporate,” he added.

Replying to the question about his corporate life in Google, he said that he cherished the opportunity he received. He mentioned that his offer letter asked him to work 40 hours a week. However, since he had already been doing coding for 72 hours during his studies, working for 40 hours a week wasn’t any hard for him. “Pursuing CSE was my goal and working in a tech-giant like google was a dream. I’m really grateful to Chandigarh University for serving the platforms that they do. I’m always looking forward to learning more. I punctually followed my timetable then and I’m gonna do the same now,” he closed with a firm and confident smile on his face. 


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