Thursday 3 September 2020

An Ordinary Journey to ExtraOrdinary Achievements! Meet CU's Budding Technocrat & International Achiever, Mohit Kumar

 Article by @Harkamal Bajwa, Content Writer, Chandigarh University

They say, “Do one thing every day that scares you.” Our circumstances, our observations and daily encounters with people or things generally shape us into who we become. Sometimes, there are incidents that leave an everlasting impact on your mind; something you can’t always put into words yet you keep thinking about it. Hoping or imagining if you could’ve done something back then or figuring out ways to avoid or overcome their possibilities in future.

Having witnessed a tragic road accident, Chandigarh University Student Mr. Mohit Kumar silently took it upon himself to find solutions to the major and prevalent problem of road accidents. The incident Mohit came across turned to be fatal, where the person driving had lost his life and was not wearing a seat belt. A standard and necessary safety equipment made available in every 4-wheeler vehicle, the seat belt is in place for a specific purpose. Yet, there are a large number of people who wouldn’t use it and the reasons are numerous. However, it is also undeniable that road accidents can happen with anyone. One can control their own driving but can never say the same about all the other motorists on the road.

There’s no denying that commuting is very important for almost each one of us. There are various means of transport. Considering the environment, intensity of pollution, traffic and road accidents, it is preferable to use public transport yet most people prefer to transport as per their own convenience via their own private vehicles. One is free to use their vehicle but there are many things we often disregard, such as safety regulations and sometimes the traffic rules even. It may work out for us most of the times but there’s always a certainty of life teaching us about the importance of the rules and safety, disregarding which many a times lead to fatality and serious injuries that haunt the victim for life.

A road accident compelled the 2nd year B.Tech. Student to design a software that would help people prevent major road incidents that usually happen because of ignorance and recklessness of the user. Listing down five major reasons for these accidents, namely, not using seat belts, drunk driving, not turning on the indicator, traffic jam and fog, Mohit put his knowledge of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to use and embarked on his process to creating the software to overcome the above causes for major road accidents.

Before we move forward on to the extraordinary achievements of this young techie, let us tell you a bit about Mr. Mohit’s Software. Among many features, this software has a unique feature where it wouldn’t let you start the car without putting on the seat belt. The 3 sensors placed on the seat belt will make sure of that as only by buckling up the seat belt, a person will be able to drive their car. Plus, to control the serious offence of ‘Drink and Drive’, the Software would ensure if a driver is drunk beyond the permitted rate of 0.08% and wouldn’t allow him to start the car. The sensors placed on the steering wheel would catch the moisture in the driver’s hand and would also be triggered by his breath, which in turn would again not allow the car to start.

Mohit claims that with the help of this software, there would be no more accidents due to the reckless overtaking of vehicles without using indicators as this software would automatically turn on indicators as soon as the driver’s about to switch a lane. This happens with the pre-installed google maps in the software. Another major reason for accidents is fog. As we know that fog can really blind the vision of people driving a vehicle. However, with an inbuilt Ultrasonic Radar System in the software, you will know if there’s anything blocking your way within a radius of 50m. Cool, isn’t it?

 Having followed all the rules and regulations laid down by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways while developing this software, Mohit hopes that it would get recognized by the Government of India and would turn out to be a game-changer in the world of automobile industry. After developing this innovative software, Mohit hasn’t slowed down. Pursuing the second year of Computer Science Engineering at Chandigarh University, Mohit is the CEO of the fastest growing start-up of CU in North India, MK App Creatives Pvt.Ltd and has been recognized among ‘Top 100 Tech Innovators and Influencers by a US-based organization, Intercon.

It might surprise you that within the time span of just a year, Mohit has extraordinarily contributed towards technology with having 6 start-ups and 24 patents granted already. On the other hand, his MK App Creatives Pvt. Ltd provides all possible Information and Technology (IT) Solutions like Game development, Mobile App development, Web Development, Software Development, Cyber Security Services, IoT, Logo Design etc. Apart from this, Mohit has attained granting for some very innovative patents.

To begin with the patents, one of the patents introduced is named ‘HeadACHE’, a VR-device that works on the Virtual Retinal Display technology, or a device without a physical display. It would allow you to view "first day, first shows" directly from your desk and festivals like Tomorrowland and Sunburn live from your home at a very affordable price. Secondly, the patent ‘IMAGE ROOF’, is being developed as a 3D viewable interior design app with customization features allowing you to edit a virtual model of your home and add products like Samsung TVs, Home theater system and much more. Fun Fact: You can change color of walls in the house in real time.

Furthermore, the patent ‘PARCARE’ would be a community based app that will redefine the concept of security and parking of your vehicle while giving you a chance to earn easy money. Users can list their personal parking spot while it is not in use, which would help in increasing the parking spots in the city. Also, it would reduce the stress of finding a safe and secure place to park your vehicle. Along with this, Mohit is building another startup named ‘VIKALP’, which would focus on connecting juniors and seniors of a college for proper guidance, support and aims to nurture unexplored talents to produce maximum efficiency.

It is amazing to see your counterpart contributing towards greater things, isn’t it? Chandigarh University has been producing hardworking and dedicated professionals who have always been showcasing their potential to the world. Mohit is one of the many examples of how your creativity and dedication help you achieve wonders in your life. CEO of the fastest growing start-up of CU in North India, one of Top 100 Tech Innovators and Influencers, Mr. Kumar owns 6 start-ups already in different fields including Sports and Information Technology with 24 patents granted and it is just his second year. Imagine what all you can achieve by bringing your creativity and innovation into application. Stay focused, keep working hard and don’t allow failures to demoralize or distract you, for failures are a part of everyone’s life. Get back stronger and keep striving for excellence!



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