Friday 18 October 2019

CU visited Chang Jung Christian University in Taiwan

The faculty members from Chandigarh University’s University Institute of Biotechnologyvisited Chang Jung Christian University in Taiwan under the faculty Exchange programme. Dr. Nikita Goswami and Ms. Nishu Khurana from UIB visited the partner school where they exchanged ideas regarding the related departments such as the College of Health Sciences, the International College of Practice and Education for the Environment, and the School of Safety and Health Sciences.  

The visiting faculty from CU was received with a welcome meet at the Office of International Affairs, after which they were invited to lecture on topics such Indian plant cultivation technology and bio-oil production. The visitors provided valuable insights during their lecture, attended by Dozens of teachers and numerous students.

Taking the faculty exchange programme forward, Dr. Nikita and Ms. Nishu also observed Chang Jung Christian University’s English-taught courses such as biotechnology and chemistry experiments, and environmental and ecological education. They also visited the International Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots Eco-Center and the Occupation, Environment and Food Safety Research Center, and participated in hands-on activities organized by the Extracurricular Activities Division.

Furthermore, according to the President of Chang Jung Christian University, Yung-Lung Lee, with subsidy from the Ministry of Education’s Pilot Taiwan Experience Education Program (TEEP) for Indian Young Scholars, Chandigarh University sent 8 Indian college students for one month of Chinese Language Study at the invitation of the University, where they also experienced various special courses offered by the University. President Lee believed that this faculty visit was an extension of that previous visit.

Michelle Li, Dean of International Affairs, while speaking on the same matter remarked that through a series of intensive academic and event arrangements, the international friendship between the University and Chandigarh University could be strengthened, and the academic and research capabilities of the University could be enhanced.

Chandigarh University, Gharuan has partnered with over 200 top universities worldwide. Also, this faculty exchange programme saw future possible collaborative projects between the University Institute of Biotechnology, Chandigarh University and Chang Jung Christian University being explored.

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