Saturday 8 December 2018

Business Analytics Transforming Indian Economy and Education

Analytics have been used in business since the management exercises were put into place in the late 19th century. Since then, analytics have altered and shaped with the development of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, data warehouses and various other software tools and process. Business Analytics has come up like a sensation on the horizon of the new millennium and off late has become fastest growing job field throughout the world. Business analytics makes widespread use of statistical analysis and fact-based management to initiate decision making

Business Analytics has become vital for the growth of corporate world in 21st century hence allowing them to make better business decisions by using the previous data obtained from various segments of society such as marketing, education, engineering, medicine, social media, online transactions, call centers, sensors, weblogs and telecommunication. Business Analytics can also be used in determining the nature of the problems changes in Business Landscapes are facing these days.

India is amongst the leaders in the aptitude arcade in the past two decades and its high success ratio in the IT sector, resilient Entrepreneurship beliefs and English language expertise have helped it stay much ahead of the likes of China and European countries in the territory of Analytics. Various companies situated abroad are outsourcing their analytical necessities to India.
Sensing the need to create a workforce that understands the field and is trained to tackle the compound issues related to business analytics; several Indian institutes, in association with various premiere colleges, are offering regular as well as executive business analytics courses.The scope in the field of business analytics is ever expanding worldwide and especially because analytical skill levels get into the big data game. Global Information Technology giants such as IBM, Accenture, and Deloitte are using business analytics tools and coming up with conclusions that are convenient and lucrative. Sensing the need to create a workforce that understands the field and is trained to tackle the compound issues related to business analytics; several Indian institutes, in association with various premiere colleges, are offering regular as well as executive business analytics courses.

North India’s Leading Business School at Chandigarh University in collaboration with IBM offers Master of Business Administration in Business Analytics to its students. The practically oriented teaching – learning methodology and industry institute interface at Chandigarh University helps the students develop the skills required to become future business leaders simultaneously gaining acquaintance to IBM Patented Technologies.

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