Monday 16 May 2016



FOCUS is under siege more than it has ever been in human history, we have more distractions than ever before, we need to be more focused on cultivating the skills of attention.

Do you feel when you are sitting in your classroom and the lecture is going on that your mind is somewhere else? You are physically present in the classroom but your mind is travelling elsewhere and losing your focus on where it should be. Are you disoriented in life and unable to take decisions? Well, we live in the world of distractions today and to create a focus in life seems to be like climbing a mountain. But eventually we have to climb it to rule our distractions.

The first question is to find out why are you so unfocussed in life?

1. Are you using your cell phones more than you should?
2. Are you more extra active on social media?
3. Are you eating well?
4. Are you exercising?
5. Are your friends distracting you?

Well, reasons can be many but you need to find the cause and rectify it before this crucial age takes a different turn. Cell phones are considered culprits and are the biggest distractions. A survey showed that over 70% of students silently use cell phones in classrooms. The lure of social media has taken a toll on many. With junk food on the spree a lot of you are not eating well and with lazy routines you are not even exercising and keeping yourself fit. And those of you who have a little focus are not in the right company or can’t take the peer pressure.

We are all born with same brain like that of Albert Einstein, Aryabhata, Shakespeare etc. but it’s on us how much and where all we use it. If you are losing your focus in life for some petty things that gives short lived enjoyment, which is just a very bad bargain. Being a student you are in a very crucial age of your life and you are setting up your base which needs to be strong and focused.  The way you live your life, from the career you choose all the way down to the food you eat, should fit within your values and beliefs, purpose and priorities. Being Focused and Serious in life does not mean you are UNCOOL, it’s more so an understanding that when you are studying you are just studying and nothing else and when you are playing you are just playing, nothing else. It’s in fact a more cool way to look at life. You need to be right in the very moment to live it, enjoy it, give your best and reap the best. 

Exercise and keep yourself fit not just for good looks but also for stress- free mind. Eat a healthy diet to keep your mind & body healthy.  Friends are a very important part of life but then wise men say choose your friends correctly. Those who distract you and do not add anything to your life, you need to stay away from them and choose healthy friendships that will encourage you to grow in life. 

Also an important factor is that Digital boom has changed our lives. It’s good to stay active on social media and search things on internet but you need to draw a line and don’t let it distract you from your main aim in life. Social Media will just stay there but this time of yours will never come back. So take the best from everything you have and create an aim and focus in life.

Last but not the least, increase your concentration by meditating. It’s a great way to help kill the distractions and strengthen mind to take a leap and stay focussed.
Numerous studies have shown that mindfulness meditation can improve our ability to sustain attention. The ability to concentrate on our breathing for long periods of time transfers over to other pursuits. If we can focus on a subtle object like our breath for 20 minutes, think how easy it will be to focus on sports, studies, work, or anything else for that matter.

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