Wednesday 2 December 2015

Manage your Increasing Stress during EXAM TIMES

Stress seems to be very complimentary the moment exams approach. There are a lot of factors that will make you stress full but the name of exams is something that more often triggers it. Admirable students will pause, reflect and choose a path that will help them overcome the impasse, not just wait for the wave to engulf them.

Though it seems unavoidable but smartness stays in managing it so that it can drive you to improve your work. Here are some of the ways to smartly manage your stress levels and help you get through your exams the best way you can.

Don’t look at your study material as a whole chunk to be grasped. Just go slowly and divide your study material into small units and go step by step. Make a time table and try sticking to it.

You won’t even realise but during your  stress you will be checking your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other media apps more often because you think its going to ease your stress. What is recommended at this point of time is to detach yourself from all of these as it leads to a significant waste of time with further distracting your mind. Stay focused on your goal with a focussed mind.

Group study helps to ease out stress . If you're not as strong in certain areas, it could help by talk to other students and learning from them as well. If you are good at it, share the brain-wealth and this will help in your revision.

Good sleep along with healthy food is the most important factor not to ignore. Most importantly, sleep helps your brain to assimilate new knowledge into your long-term memory so that you can recall it when it comes to test day. So It’s very important to have a fairly good amount of sleep for the body and mind to relax. Also good food at small intervals will keep your body and mind healthy


It’s very important to take small breaks during your study routine. This helps in breaking stress and rejuvenating your mind. Take a small walk, listen to good music and do whatever that makes you relax and calms your mind.


Meditation is one of the most effective ways to take a break and see your stress from a different perspective. Practising meditation is another way to maintain focus while improving both mental and physical health to reduce pre-exam stress.

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