Friday 27 November 2015


To discuss the challenges and opportunities in the era of globalization, University School of Business, Chandigarh University organized a National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Business: Opportunities and Challenges on 24th Nov, 2015

This conference invited renowned resource persons from top ranking companies including Mr. Vishnu Iruvanti, Head (HR), (, Mr. Ajit Thakur – Head (HR) – Hyundai Construction Equipment India Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Pramod Misra, Head HR – Simplex Infrastructure Ltd., Col. (Retd) K.S. Rana, Associate VP – ISGEC India who addressed the students during the inaugural session.
Innovation in the technology has revolutionized the whole scenario of business world.  Mr. Vishnu
Iruvanti, Head (HR), ( highlighted four major parameters for becoming a successful
entrepreneur in this technology driven business i.e. collaboration, empowerment, leadership and

The world of business is changing and these changes have posed many challenges to the HR practices.

Mr. Ajit Thakur – Head (HR) – Hyundai Construction Equipment India Pvt. Ltd. spoke on various
challenges and opportunities of HR.  He shared that 52% HR professionals have serious concern over building next generation organizational culture.  59% HR professionals believe that in order to retain
talent they should be rewarded and for increasing employee productivity and efficiency, flexible time
arrangements can be a winning factor. As emphasized by Mr Thakur, main challenges being faced by HR are attracting and retaining the talent, transparent work culture and open leadership.

Mr. Pramod Misra, Head HR – Simplex Infrastructure Ltd, emphasized on the need of three important parameters to enter into corporate world i.e. Attitude, Skills & Knowledge (ASK).  One has to work upon one’s communication skill and express views with authority and confidence. In order to develop competency, students should do regular SWOT analysis for finding out the grey (weak) areas.

Col. (Retd) K.S. Rana, Associate VP – ISGEC India, highlighted one important factor which is pertinent for survival is innovation. It helps the business in generating high productivity with low cost. According to him, degrees do not matter, it is the talent and knowledge that matters and the passion for work which brings innovation and new ideas.

A panel discussion was also held on this topic.  The panelist were

1. Vishnu Iruvanti, Head (HR), (,
2. Mr. Ajit Thakur – Head (HR) – Hyundai Construction Equipment India Pvt. Ltd.,
3. Mr. Pramod Misra, Head HR – Simplex Infrastructure Ltd.,
4. Col. (Retd) K.S. Rana, Associate VP – ISGEC India,
5. Dr. A. K. Vashisht, Professor, UBS, Panjab University, Chandigarh
6. Dr. Manoj K. Sharma, Professor, UBS, Panjab University, Chandigarh

At the end of the panel discussion, some very probing and inquisitive questions were asked by faculty and students. Paper Presentation session was also held that gave platform to various academicians to
share their views.  Out of 60 papers received 44 faculty members from different B-Schools of country presented their research papers concerning the innovation. The conference fully achieved the objectives of the theme, the planning and conduct was highly appreciated by the Guest Speakers,
participants and the students.  The conference was a feast of knowledge for all participants.

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