Wednesday 2 September 2015


Team Shell of Chandigarh University stands 1st in Punjab & North India and 8th in India at the National Pre-Final

Co-Kart design Challenge 2015. The competition was held at Acropolis Technical Campus at Indore from Aug 22 – Aug 23, 2015. Team Shell comprised of 25 members led by team leaders Rakesh Kumar and Ivpreet Kaur. Clearing this pre final round Team Shell has qualified to take part in the final competition where they will compete with 105 teams all over India.

This competition is designed to bring and enhance good engineering approach and practice for graduating and diploma students in engineering. This competition is about designing and fabricating an innovative Go-Kart. Participating students complete their projects without any direct/indirect involvement of the professionals, which enhances their team work and project management ability.

Team Shell has worked hard for the pre final round and are working harder to compete at the National level. Chandigarh University is proud at their endeavor and wish them all good luck for the National competition to be held soon.

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