Tuesday 15 September 2015


Celebrating 48th Engineers day – 2015

A refined world that we live in today is a continued product of ENGINEERS who are innovating and improving our wellbeing for more than a decade now. They are not just exhaustively involved with test tubes, tools, machinery and industrial plants, rather looking through a broader lens, they are involved in every aspect of our lives, from minutest computer chip to big Aerospace products.

Engineering has made incredible strides over the past decade, and the progress they are going to make in the future is unimaginable. Knowing where we have been and the uncertainty of where we will go, ENGINEERS are our driving force with incredible engineering innovations that address societal needs and advance human welfare. Whether it’s Chemical, Mechanical, Civil, Petroleum, Mechatronics, robotics or others, engineers are innovators solving problems and creating new solutions. Apart from making our lives easier and comfortable, innovations like underwater city, anti-gravity car, invisibility suit, memory implants, satellites, space explorations and many more that we can never think about have leaped us into a new era of unlimited imagination, inquisitive products with far reaching effects. The possibilities of what engineers can bring to the world are endless.

Engineer’s day in India is a tribute to Pre- eminent Engineer of India Sir Visvesvaraya, on whose birthday i.e. 15 September, The Engineer’s Day is celebrated in India.  Served as the Dewan of Mysore he was internationally recognized for his genius in harnessing water resources, he was responsible for successful design and construction of several rivers dams, bridges and implementing irrigation and drinking water schemes all over India. Along with commemorating his immense contribution in the field of engineering, this day also marks a tribute to all the engineers who have contributed in the making our lives comfortable and in smartly tacking grappling issues.

To all the Engineers

“You help make the world a better place by inspiring change, improving lives and making difference EVERY DAY.”  

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