Monday 25 May 2015


The University Institute of computing in Association with Google Ambassador Program of Chandigarh University is going to conduct "Summer Camp-2015", from 26th May to 27Th Jun 2015. The training is organized to impart the technical know- how of Android applications development. This camp teaches you how to build your first Android app. You’ll learn how to create an Android project. You'll also learn the fundamentals of Android app design.

Google Android Summer Camp Venue: Lab:609,Block: 04

For more information feel Free to Contact Coordinators.
Prof. Gurpreet Singh – 8288094332
Mr. Neeraj Khanna  - 9813875255

Mobile App development using Android

Module 1: Intro. to Android App Development
What is Android?
Android Versions history
Android Architecture

Module 2: setup of Android App Development
System Requirements
Eclipse and SDK requirements, AVD creation
Creating First Android Application
Project Structure
Other Supporting Software

Module 3: Resources
General theory of resources

Module 4: Activities
What is an Activity?
Process of Creating an Activity
Activity Life Cycle

Module 5: Using Multiple Activities
Having multiple activities in your project
Starting other activities from your project
Sending values between activities
Getting results from activities

Module 6: Layouts
Different types of Layouts
Linear Layout
Relative Layout
Table layout
Absolute Layout
Frame Layout

Module7:  Android UI Widgets
Toggle Button
Check Box
AutoComplete Text View
Rating Bar
Date picker
Progress Bar

Module 8: Menus and Messages
Adding option menus
Adding Context menus
Showing dialogs
Raising toasts

Module 9: Animation
Frame by Frame animation
Tween Animation

Module 10: Styles and Themes
Create Custom styles and Themes

Module 11: Fragmentation
Process of creating Fragment
Fragment Life Cycle

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