Saturday 9 May 2015

CU introduces India’s 1st Industry collaborative Management program in Financial Engineering

Chandigarh University introduces India’s 1st Industry collaborative Management program in Financial Engineering 

Industry Giants ICICI direct, Tally Solutions, FLIP signs MoU with Chandigarh University at CII 

“India is the fastest emerging economy and financial institutions like Banks, Stock Markets, Commodity Exchanges, and Future Trading form the backbone of any Nation that is on trajectory path leading to growth. But with changing business trends globally, there is an urgent need of trained professionals who are groomed to manage the technological advancements in financial sector & understands the new terminology of Financial Engineering that will be future for Management students”. This was stated by Mr. Neeraj Joshi, Vice-President & Business Head, ICICI Centre for Financial Learning while launching India’s 1st management program, MBA (Banking & Financial Engineering) in collaboration with Chandigarh University here at CII, North Region headquarters in Chandigarh.

The 1st of its kind initiative taken by Chandigarh University in the area of Financial Engineering that has brought Industry giants like ICICI direct, FLIP (Education partner Infosys-Finacle) and Tally Solutions together on common platform to introduce this unique management program in India. A MoU in this context was signed today at CII between Chandigarh University and Industry partners under which 2-year MBA program in Banking & Financial Engineering would be offered by University School of Business at Chandigarh University from 2015 session. Representatives from 20 Financial Institutions like Banking & Insurance companies, Asset Management Companies, Mutual Fund & Financing Houses endorsing the newly launched program were also present on the MoU signing ceremony. 
“Students of MBA (Banking & Financial Engineering) would have an edge while being recruited by Financial Institutions as they undergo training & certification in Tally which is the most preferred Accounting-to-ERP business management solution with over 90% market share and 2.8 million users worldwide” said Mr. Rakesh K Menon, National Head, Tally Education. “Chandigarh University has undertaken a new age measure in Management education and Tally Solutions has the honor to venture with the CU to be part of this unique program that will prepare industry ready professionals for leading financial institutions” Rakesh Menon added.
While addressing to the media queries, Anjali Mulltani, CEO, FLIP (Education partner Finacle Infosys) said that “The MBA students at Chandigarh University would also certification of Finacle which is Account Management Software used by 85% of Indian banks and 143 banks worldwide for their core banking solutions”. This certification along with Chandigarh University degree will be value-addition for the students that will be out-right available for placements in banks, stock markets, insurance & asset management companies, Anjali added.      
“Financial Engineering is new terminology in India which covers advanced areas like Risk Management, Banking & Insurance, Asset Management and others that practically covers all areas pertaining to financial sector” said Dr. R.S.Bawa, Vice-Chancellor, Chandigarh University. “We at Chandigarh University strictly believe in providing the best Return-on-Investment for our students and MBA(Banking & Financial Engineering) is one such initiative undertaken by CU that will be responsible for preparing future managers with technological skills” Dr. Bawa said.         

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