Monday 20 April 2015

Short Term Course of Instructional Planning at UIC

Short Term Course of Instructional Planning @ UIC

 University Institute of Computing organized a Short Term Course on Instructional Planning from 13th- April 2015 – 17th- April 2015in lab 602, block 4.  The best teacher-preparation programs emphasize subject-matter mastery and provide many opportunities for student teachers to spend time in real classrooms under the supervision of an experienced mentor. Just as professionals in medicine, architecture, and law have opportunities to learn through examining case studies, learning best practices, and participating in internships, exemplary teacher-preparation programs allow teacher candidates the time to apply their learning of theory in the context of teaching in a real classroom.This short term course was designed for teachers to enhance their skills and to make them follow a module which is student friendly and helps to create a better learning environment through which students will be able to imbibe theoretical knowledge along with practical knowledge.


As per the instructional planning, online sessions were conducted in UIC from 13th April 2015 – 17th April 2015 by the faculty members of National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chandigarh.

As per the designed module, each day was divided into three sessions where eminent professors delivered lectures which covered various aspects of teaching methodology.

(i)                 Dr P K Tulsi gave introduction to the course and learning and principles of learning and delivered lectures on writing instructional objectives, Task on task analysis and Instructional objectives.

(ii)               Dr T N Thukral delivered lectures on Understanding learners, Task on learning styles and Classroom management.

(iii)             Dr S Dutt delivered lectures on Task analysis, Instructional objectives and Lesson planning.

(iv)             Dr S P Bedi delivered lectures on Instructional methods: Case study and brainstorming, Student evaluation techniques and presentation by participants where the presentation skills of the teachers were analyzed.

On the final day of the course a valediction ceremony was held where Dr S S Sehgal, Dean Research, Chandigarh University was invited as the chief guest. He awarded certificates to the teachers who had actively participated in the courses held by NITTTR in the month of November and December.  Dr Sehgal interacted with Dr Punia, Director NITTR and Dr P K Tulsi who mentored our teachers throughout the course. Dr Sehgal discussed the various methods which can be adopted in teaching in order to make it competent at the global level.

This designed course has proved extremely beneficial for the faculty members as it helped them to have an individual analysis of their teaching methodology and further it provided them a platform to improve themselves.

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