Saturday 13 December 2014

Wipro Plans Open Source Team of 10,000

The use of open technologies premeditates the days of Facebook and Cloud Computing. When the concept of internet was first discussed in the nerdy corridors of MIT, the objective was to create computing structure that could encourage the use of shared resources and knowledge without any limitations. Working on these lines, one of the biggest tech-giants of India, Wipro, is now investing heavily in open source technologies. Planning to scale up more than 10,000 people in this space, this move of Wipro is a strong evidence of the reduction in dependency on expensive proprietary software programs. Wipro believes that this call could create an opportunity to reduce IT deployment costs significantly.

TK Kurien, CEO of Wipro believes that a complete data centre stack can be built with open source at a cost that is half of the cost utilized in traditional methods. He was quoted saying, “We believe this has the potential for really disintermediation the IT expenditure incurred in the past. We have built a practice in infrastructure and applications around open source and see quite a few deployments happening.”

Andrew Aitken, who previously founded the successful consulting firm, Olliance Consulting group, was recently hired by Wipro to head the department of global open source practice.

With an aim to provide consulting services, roadmap development, integration, legacy migration, risk mitigation, and support, the company is also going to focus on open source platforms and solutions like Alfresco, Drupal, BonitaSoft, and Magneto. On the other hand, world renowned programs like Hadoop, MySQL, and PostgreSQL are being considered for database enhancement.

Open source was critical to the success of the internet where original source code was made freely available to be modified. Aitken said customers are demanding support for their open source initiatives and that those initiatives fall into two categories. "One is legacy migration from traditional proprietary software to open source. The other is more innovative solutions like cloud computing and big data analytics. With any technology shift, there could be upfront costs associated. But the more you use open source, the clearer the financial benefits become," he said.

Dave Gardner, founder of US-based Gardner & Associates Consulting, said clients were drawn to open source technologies as they were tired of being held hostage by proprietary software vendors when they offer no or limited advantage over their open source equivalent technologies.

Wipro is setting up innovation labs and leveraging on its existing ones to showcase open source solutions at scale. "We are making investments to build a world class advisory team and then into consulting and architecture and getting into our complete ecosystem within Wipro and positioning that as integrated offerings to our end customers," said Krishnakumar N Menon, VP of business application solutions & open source initiative in Wipro.

Keeping up with the trends in the emerging IT markets of the world, Chandigarh University has been consistent in harnessing the power of modern technologies. In collaboration with Wipro, Chandigarh University has enhanced its strong industry patronage with a unique research facility, one of its kinds in entire Northern India to facilitate work on sophisticated projects leading to applications and products in the area of automation, robotics, automobiles, computers, and much more. The persistent approach of exposing its students to contemporary working procedures puts Chandigarh University on the road of technological development where talent is going to embrace opportunities.

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