Monday 17 November 2014

Inside The Tiny Little Cylinder of Laptop Charger

We live in an age of personal computers and rapidly developing handset technology. As the population of a developing nation, we all have had our tryst with technology in different ways. While most of us have been left fascinated by the power that a device as small as our handset contains, a major part of our population is still playing the catch up game with other systems of conventional computing, signaling the rise of curious PC users in India. 

As laptop users, we all have been mesmerized by the fact that we can reach out to the world with our laptops. Sitting in a coffee shop, airport, outside our classrooms, or in the comfort of an open air lounge, there is nothing we cannot achieve using a laptop. All we need is a power source coupled with a dongle, and we are good to go. However, there are certain questions that pertains the young user about laptops, and one of them involves a tiny cylinder across a small part of our charging wire.

Scientifically speaking, that little cylinder is a passive electrical device that helps to isolate the laptop from electromagnetic noise, either from waves picked up by the wire (which acts like an unintentional antenna) or from existing noise in the upstream AC line or AC-DC converter. Although it is not necessary in everyday usage, it allows the laptop to pass FCC tests for being able to accept a certain amount of environmental EM noise.

To put it in a general manner, the wire that is used to charge our laptop carries enough electrical energy inside it to generate radio energy around it. The phenomenon is similar to the working of antenna that sends and receives signals by harnessing electrical energy and converting it into radio energy.

Now, imagine you are running late with a presentation, and you want your laptop device to be charged completely. Anxious, you connect it with a power source, but instead of charging your device, your battery engages itself in sending and receiving signals from its electromagnetic vicinity. The consequences would involve you being late, and your device taking a huge amount of time to charge itself.
Ferric Inside Tiny Cylinder
Hence, these ferrite beads or ferrite chokes (as they are called) help increase the power efficiency of your computing systems, making their presence impeccably relevant to your work.

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